Friday, July 2, 2010

Open Letter to the AMA Boss

Taking a trotro makes sense sometimes. Let us look at this scenario; I had to go to Agbobloshie one Friday afternoon. I parked my car and decided to take a trotro. This was the route, New Achimota to Lapaz and then Lapaz to Agbobloshie. The total cost was GHC1.50.

Maneuvering through the choked road was not my job, greasing the palm of the traffic police was not my job. I just sat through the trip and had a good rest.

Sir, if I am sure you know this route and you may agree with me that this is really cheap. This would have been my fate if I had chosen to drive my VW Jetta 3.

1. GHC10.00 fuel cost

2. The stress involved in driving on the Traffic prone and disorderly Agbobloshie road.

3. The boredom of Ghana Police Personnel who position themselves on the Agbobloshie road to harass drivers.

If taking trotro will save me money why shouldn’t I advocate for dignity and decency here. And it doesn’t take much to apply reforms here.

First, I want to advocate that all the middle and corner seats in our trotros should be removed. Why? These seats are in the pathway of passengers. If a passenger has to get down from the back seat, everybody on this line has to get down. How appalling.

Second, may all the stakeholders come on board and agree on an appropriate uniform for all the drivers and their mates.

These measures will make a trip on a trotro more comfortable and dignified. We deserve this level of dignity.

The solutions to most of our problems are right here with us. The earlier we heed to these recommendations, the better.

Thank you Sir.



+ 233 24 4 797443

Friday, June 25, 2010

Ghana, oh Ghana, chase the cheats out of the goldfields and be free.

This is what i have on the front sheet of my mind. I have to print it out. This is it. Watch it.

Why should Ghana not be poor after so many years of poor management, of leaders who allow non Ghanaians to push them out from dialogue desks.

Who benefits from the gold we have in the belly of Ghana land? Who. Tell me, Who.

Seriously, we need economic freedom. If not, Ghana will not see MDG realisation.

This is the print. Watch this

Saturday, June 5, 2010

World Cup; Africa's Time

It is our time to shine and respond as the world beckons. Africa wake up for the light has come.

Go Ghana, Go Black Stars.